Friday, August 5, 2011


Dear Reader,

It has been a while since I posted a new entry. I was going to talk about how the royal consort of a certain head of state in Malaysia had ignored convention and made political statements in a public forum; totally unbecoming of any royal, especially a consort. In any constitutional monarchy, the monarch and his royal family would abstain from being politically active, refrain from making political statements and remain dignified and above the fray. I was going to royally bash this royal dignitary for publicly defying convention (and ignorance is no excuse, especially not for a royal who must know she is constantly in the full glare of the public), but then other things had to take priority. So I decided not to bother.

What’s on my mind? A lot of things. I have a paper to complete for the British Museum. I need to start on a new paper for the Borneo Research Council. Then there’s the new business I’m thinking of starting. And, of course, my book project which has stalled because of the lack of funding.

If only there were more hours in the day...


telur dua said...

It's now fashionable to jump on the politics bandwagon. Not that they have anything meaningful to say. Two sen's worth is about it.

Vernon Aji Kedit said...

Royalty should be above fashion too :-)