May I be honest?
I am sad. I am sad because I am told by my government that I must celebrate the Independence Day of my country on the 31st of August. But what is so wrong about this that it makes me sad?
Let me tell you. If you don’t like dry and boring history lessons, you can leave my blog now. But if you have ten minutes to spare, read on.
The Federated States of Malaya which comprised all the nine Sultanates, Malacca and Penang were given their independence by Great Britain on the 31st of August, 1957. The photo below records the historic event. It is the iconic image of Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaiming independence for Malaya. Yes, MALAYA. Not Sarawak, not Sabah, but MALAYA. And this date became known as MERDEKA DAY. For the Federated States of MALAYA.

Then, six years later, Sarawak was given her independence. On the 22nd of July, 1963. Bet you didn’t know that the 22nd of July is an historic date for Sarawak, huh? Of course you wouldn’t. It has probably been wiped off the official history text books, or glossed over during history classes. But if you buy a copy of the Sarawak Government Almanac, it’s there in black and white. The British gave up Sarawak on the 22nd of July, 1963 and on that day we became an independent nation. A country all of our own. Our own flag, our own anthem and even our own money!
Then, fifty five days later, after the British granted her independence, Sarawak, together with Sabah, Singapore, and the Federated States of Malaya came together to form a new nation called MALAYSIA on the 16th of September. This date, the 16th of September, 1963, came to be known as MALAYSIA DAY because it was on this historic day that a brand new country was born in the world. (Singapore got ‘kicked out’ later but Malaysian history books politely claim she decided to withdraw from the new nation. Brunei was also involved in the discussions to form Malaysia but it too decided against the idea.)
However, gradually, Malaysia Day became forgotten through, I suspect, a subtle and systematic process of brainwashing on the part of the Barisan Nasional government. More and more emphasis was placed on Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day was ignored, its significance eroded and displaced by Merdeka Day. Merdeka Day became a public holiday, and the whole country began to get caught up in celebrations come every 31st August.
Young Sarawakian school children were, and still are taught to wave flags and jump for joy come 31st August because on this date Malaysia achieved her independence. Now if you have been paying attention, you will obviously have noticed that there is a factual error in the previous sentence. Malaysia DID NOT achieve her independence on the 31st of August, 1957 simply because Malaysia had not existed yet! It was only Malaya which achieved her independence on the 31st of August, 1957; Malaysia was only formed six years AFTER Malaya achieved independence.
The date 31st of August means very little to me as a Sarawakian and yet I am told by my government to honour this date on the basis that I am a citizen of Malaysia and therefore as a proud and loyal Malaysian, I should jump and shout for joy that Malayans received their independence on the 31st of August despite the fact that I am also a Sarawakian and this date has little significance to me. This date did not affect my beloved Sarawak in any way whatsoever and has never been part of its rich history, so what is there to celebrate or what memory is there to honour and cherish for a Sarawakian? Sarawak achieved her independence on the 22nd of July but the government does not give this date any due recognition. Instead, I am to celebrate a date which has more significance for my fellow Malaysians in West Malaysia. That is why I am sad.
Malaysia Day, the 16th of September, 1963, however, means a lot to me. It was the date my beloved Sarawak became a part of a new nation, standing tall and proud in the world amongst other independent nations. Shouldn’t this date when we officially became a country take centre-stage in our history as a nation?
And yet, it was only last year that the Barisan Nasional government decided to recognise Malaysia Day and grant it ‘public holiday’ status. And only because Pakatan Rakyat ‘reminded’ the BN government. It actually took the BN government forty-seven years to recognise Malaysia Day officially!
But the question on my mind is why did the BN government try to sweep Malaysia Day under the carpet and dispatch it to the annals of history to be conveniently forgotten? And why do I suspect that there is a conspiracy going on to distort and blur the story of the formation of Malaysia?
Let me draw your attention to the opening paragraph of a blog entry dated 15th September, 2009, by Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Razak. He wrote,
“On this day (16 September) forty-six years ago, Malaysia welcomed Sabah and Sarawak as states and set out on a course toward becoming one of the leading nations in the world. I was only 10 years old when my father, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, witnessed the historic proclamation of Sabah’s independence in 1963, but I remember how proud he was during that momentous occasion. Sabah and Sarawak occupy a special place in my heart because of that history.”
Spot the offending sentence? “Malaysia welcomed Sabah and Sarawak as states.” The Prime Minister of Malaysia, no less, officially writes in his official blog that Sabah and Sarawak were welcomed INTO a country called Malaysia in 1963!
Not only is this sentence factually wrong (as Malaysia was actually formed on that very day and you cannot ‘welcome’ other states into an entity which would need those very states to form it in the first place in order to welcome anything into), but it is also a blatant re-writing of history! Sabah and Sarawak were not just states of a larger country, Mr. Prime Minister; Sabah and Sarawak were INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES and EQUAL PARTNERS to Malaya!
But if you were to believe the Prime Minister writing in his blog, Sabah and Sarawak were only states that joined an already existing country! Surely the Prime Minister of Malaysia would know history and know how his own country was formed? And if he genuinely made a mistake, surely one of his many advisers and staff members would quickly alert him to the fact and correct the glaring mistake? Or did they not know too, and if so, it begs a more disturbing question: is our country being runned by incompetent people who do not know the history of their own country? Truth be told, I suspect no one made a mistake.
It is plain that history is deliberately being re-written. But why? Two glorious words: Malaysia Agreement.
The Barisan Nasional government wants us to forget that there is such a thing as the Malaysia Agreement. It wants us to forget because the Malaysia Agreement specifies very clearly that Sabah and Sarawak have certain rights and privileges enshrined in the 18-Point (Sarawak) and 20-Point (Sabah) Agreements respectively. Sabah and Sarawak, both independent countries, came together as equal partners with Malaya to form Malaysia with pre-conditions attached. And these pre-conditions would empower Sabah and Sarawak. Empowerment is a frightening thing to the BN. It does not like to empower anyone except itself. Now more so than ever, it needs Sabah and Sarawak to retain its majority in Parliament and cling on to power. So to give power to Sabah and Sarawak is a very frightening idea to the BN government. So what does it do? It re-writes history and hopes that Sabahans and Sarawakians forget. It teaches Sabahan and Sarawakian school children to celebrate the 31st of August as Malaysia’s Independence Day whilst remaining deafeningly mute on the 16th of September. It uses newspapers, television and colourful parades to brainwash the masses into believing the lie that it assiduously propagates - that Malaysia gained independence on the 31st of August, 1957; when in actual fact Malaysia had not yet existed.
But all is not lost. You and I can change the situation. We can bring honour back to the 16th of September and accord it the significance it rightly deserves. More importantly, you and I can honour the Malaysia Agreement and return power to Sabah and Sarawak. Did you know that the Pakatan Rakyat has made a very important pledge to the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak?
Respecting the position of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners in the Malaysian Federation, and honouring previous agreements made, Pakatan Rakyat pledges to restore autonomy to Sabah and Sarawak in line with and within the framework of the Federal Constitution and the Federation Agreement.
Yes. A Pakatan Rakyat government will honour the Malaysia Agreement. (The Federation Agreement is basically the Malaysia Agreement.) This pledge is contained in the Buku Jingga, the book of policy pledges by the Pakatan Rakyat. You can download the Buku Jingga in English HERE. If you, like me, love Sarawak and want to see her powers and status as an equal partner restored, you will know what to do come the 13th General Election.
Back to the Prime Minister’s blog entry, which you can read HERE. If you continue reading the blog entry, you will see that the whole purpose of the entry was to appease Sabahans and Sarawakians. Wasn’t it ironic that in trying to appease us, he actually made us feel even more displeased, thinking us illiterate idiots with short memories?
So when is our nation Malaysia’s Independence Day? There simply isn’t one. Our nation Malaysia never achieved independence. Our nation Malaysia was born out of the coming together of three individual nations already independent BEFORE they formed Malaysia.
And let us be clear once and for all. Sarawak never JOINED Malaysia because there was no Malaysia to join in the first place. Sarawak joined Malaya and Sabah to FORM Malaysia. Never forget that. Teach it to your children.
I will fly my Jalur Gemilang proudly on the 16th of September. Not on the 31st of August. It is time to stop buying into a lie.
P.S. If the Barisan Nasional is genuinely not guilty of subtle and systematic brainwashing and never willfully schemed to displace Malaysia Day with Merdeka Day (and my entire argument about the insidious plot to wipe the Malaysia Agreement from memory is therefore in tatters), then the Barisan Nasional is guilty of a far graver and greater sin - absolute and unadulterated ARROGANCE; the significance of Malaya’s independence far outweighs that of Malaysia’s formation and birth and to hell with what Sabah or Sarawak might think. And that means we’re well and truly screwed.
But I thought this year, we'll be celebrating together on 16th September?
I am maybe living in the Peninsular but I don't think I was lied by the government simply because I learn history of Malaysia. I don't certainly wait for the government to lie though.
Because I know better. :)
Only starting to celebrate 16th September after more than 40 years they forget about it?? As a East Malaysian, I really feel that I've been cheated on all these while in School, learning Lies and Being Brainwashed....
31st Aug 57 is our 'Malaysia day'So the formation of Malaysia on 16th sept 1963 null and void. How is it possible that Malaysia recognised Malaysia as a new formed nation in 1963.Malaysia is a country only because there are now 3 equal partners like the UK; England,Scotland and wales - British.
The Tunku naturally uttered several historic statements on the matter:
“The granting of self-government too would enable Sabah to stand on its own feet as equal with Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore.” I have never rejoice being a Malaysian but Sarawakian part of the Federation. So is a Welsh will not want to be called English, I will not introduce myself as a Sabahan or Malayan but Sarawakian. Can you imagine a Welshman introduce himself as " what is your nationality? and he goes on saying "I am a UK". This twisted federal gov't engaged in many forms of "cultural cleansing" in a sweet subtle and hideous ways. History and "integrasi nasional" is one of them.
Story teller, you certainly don't need to wait this federal gov't to lie - they already did that long before you were born. This is the problem with some people, they only see what they want to see, agree if it's music to their ears. Truth, to them is irrelevant. History has been kind to them because they wrote it to thier own liking - We Sarawak nation must stop feeding ungrateful Malaya. let them revert to rubber tapping.
Blame Sudirman!
Nadia Diana-... LOL
The song wont ngam if we replace it with 16 Sept 63...
Tanggal satu enam,
Bulam s'mbilan enam puluh tiga.. merdeka merdeka.. lalala
need to find other tune... hehehhe
"VERNON KEDIT: Respecting the position of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners in the Malaysian Federation, and honouring previous agreements made, Pakatan Rakyat pledges to restore autonomy to Sabah and Sarawak in line with and within the framework of the Federal Constitution and the Federation Agreement......"
WANREDONE: Kalau mahu restore autonomy to Sarawak, ia mesti dibuat dan dipejuangkan oleh ORANG SARAWAK sendiri, BUKAN dari ORANG MALAYA, seperti ANWAR IBRAHIM, HAJI HADI & LIM KIT SIANG!
Korang talk about minyak dari bumi Sarawak, mesti kah kita dapat 20% sahaja sepertimana diuar-uarkan oleh Anwar jika dia jadi PM. Kita mahu 100%, hasil minyak Sarawak itu baru autonomy namanya.
Kita mahu semua jabatan/agensi kerajaan federal dipegang oleh anak Sarawak... Itu baru autonomy namanya
Ini tidak 'autonomy' yang sedia dengan Sarawak (hal keluar-masuk orang Malaya ke Sarawak) pun dipersoalkan oleh korang dalam PKR, DAP & PAS!
Aku 100% menyokong kalau orang Malaya masuk ke Sarawak mesti ada visa!
Takut kalau PR memerintah nanti, mungkin lebih ramai lagi orang Malaya cari kerja & buat bisnes kat Sarawak.
Contoh jelas ialah PKR Sarawak yang diterajui oleh orang Malaya tidak berapa lama dulu.... kalau tidak diprotes, mungkin sampai hari ini PKR Sarawak dipegang oleh ORANG MALAYA. Bodo kah orang Sarawak berpolitik? Ini belum lagi PKR menjadi perintah!
PKR Sarawak mesti berjiwa BESAR ... bukan setakat nak jadikan Bian Baru jadi ketua Menteri Sarawak, tapi PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA (Negeri Gabungan SARAWAK, SABAH & MALAYA).
Tapi ini tidak, kita nak ikut juga rentak & sokong orang MALAYA mahu ANWAR IBRAHIM, jadi PM (memerintah Sarawak)sedangkan kes liwatnya masih dalam perbicaraan dan begitu juga kes video sex yang dikatakan pelakonnya serupa Anwar Ibrahim. ...kahahaha..
great words. i think you articulate what most of us younger generation are thinking.
i rather honor July 22nd as independence day, true Sarawak independence. we were originally one separate country anyway. september 16th is yet to be personally accepted due to the ill-treatment we get from agreeing to form Malaysia together with Malaya. sabahans should honor their own independence day too! september 16th? nah... july 22nd? yeah!
WANREDONE: Kalau mahu restore autonomy to Sarawak, ia mesti dibuat dan dipejuangkan oleh ORANG SARAWAK sendiri, BUKAN dari ORANG MALAYA, seperti ANWAR IBRAHIM, HAJI HADI & LIM KIT SIANG!
Korang talk about minyak dari bumi Sarawak, mesti kah kita dapat 20% sahaja sepertimana diuar-uarkan oleh Anwar jika dia jadi PM. Kita mahu 100%, hasil minyak Sarawak itu baru autonomy namanya.
--->>20% lebih baik daripada 0-5% yg kita dapat skrg? HEH!
Kita mahu semua jabatan/agensi kerajaan federal dipegang oleh anak Sarawak... Itu baru autonomy namanya
--->>anak sarawak? yg kita skrg ANAK MALAYA di merata tmpt jabatan di sarawak. HEH!
Ini tidak 'autonomy' yang sedia dengan Sarawak (hal keluar-masuk orang Malaya ke Sarawak) pun dipersoalkan oleh korang dalam PKR, DAP & PAS!
---->> ORANG MALAYA (TETAMU) msk ke rumah ORANG SARAWAK (TUAN RUMAH). TETAMU sila HORMAT Tuan Rumah..jgn msk sesuka HATI..HEH!
Aku 100% menyokong kalau orang Malaya masuk ke Sarawak mesti ada visa!
---->> kpd ORG MALAYA.. MALAYA bukan SARAWAK. jgn anggap ini tmpt abah kauuu.. (dituju pd POLIS MALAYA yg berkerja di SARAWAK & kpd yg terasa.) HEH!
Takut kalau PR memerintah nanti, mungkin lebih ramai lagi orang Malaya cari kerja & buat bisnes kat Sarawak.
---->>> takut apa itu perkara belum terjadi. TAPI skrg anda tak takut dgn pemerintahan ROSMAH MANSUR..hanya MEMAKAI BAJU KUNING KENA TANGKAP?? cukai rakyat = US24juta belian? HEH!
Contoh jelas ialah PKR Sarawak yang diterajui oleh orang Malaya tidak berapa lama dulu.... kalau tidak diprotes, mungkin sampai hari ini PKR Sarawak dipegang oleh ORANG MALAYA. Bodo kah orang Sarawak berpolitik? Ini belum lagi PKR menjadi perintah!
--->> UMNO berasal dr sarawak?HEH! Hari ini BN Sarawak dipegang oleh ORANG MALAYA? HEH! Bodo piang BN Sarawak. Ya..PKR belum memerintah tp jgn buat andaian dlu jika anda bukan NUJUM PAK BLALANG. HEH!
PKR Sarawak mesti berjiwa BESAR ... bukan setakat nak jadikan Bian Baru jadi ketua Menteri Sarawak, tapi PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA (Negeri Gabungan SARAWAK, SABAH & MALAYA).
--->>PKR Sarawak mesti berjiwa besar bukan hanya TAIB MAHMUD sahaja yg boleh jd KETUA MENTERI..ingat sarawak ni arwah bapak dia punya? HEH!
Tapi ini tidak, kita nak ikut juga rentak & sokong orang MALAYA mahu ANWAR IBRAHIM, jadi PM (memerintah Sarawak)sedangkan kes liwatnya masih dalam perbicaraan dan begitu juga kes video sex yang dikatakan pelakonnya serupa Anwar Ibrahim. ...kahahaha..
--->> Kita skrg juga ikut rentak & sokong orang malaya..sekat msk BIBLE ke sarawak (ref: 18/20 agrement) HEH! ya.. kes fitnah yg menjadi news seluruh dunia.. x lupa juga kes C4 ALTANTUYA!
Terima kasih kerana membuka mata saya kepada sejarah silam Malaya dan Malaysia.
Bila baca, saya rasa kesihan kepada Sarawak dan Sabah kerana mereka telah jatuh status sebagai negara (sebelum 1963)kepada negeri (apabila bergabung dengan Malaya). Negeri yang kaya, tetapi rakyatnya rata-rata miskin papa kedana. Namun, mereka tetap teguh menyokong kerajaan yang menganiayai mereka.
Sarawak tanahair Ku!
As I've said many times before in other blogs, these shameless cretins in the govt would even alter HISTORY for their own agendas. While they're at it, they might as well claim that they're the direct descendants of Adam and Eve!
eh... i noticed something. even in the jingga book, they (PR) acknowledges 1957 as the year Malaysia was born. looks like you Sarawakians are on your own to returning its status as an independent nation. same with Sabah i'm from malaya btw
..history is very important. Look at how much we've lost.
oops. the 'buku jingga' made a mistake in it's introductory paragraph...
"After 53 years of independence, Malaysia is in crisis."
how can malaysia have 53 years of independence when 53 years ago, IT DID NOT EXIST!
pshhhh.. if you want to win the hearts of the people, please cross check and edit your information.
This is a very good article. Mind if I share?
Yes you may, Amanda. Thank you!
It's a shame really that we had been taught to celebrate Malaysia Day on 31st August. I am not surprised that many Sarawakians still do not know the significance of 16th September. Sad to say, many people I came across do not seem to mind at all.
I think we should stopped having a merdeka holiday here in Sarawak and Sabah. This will remind our people that this not our day after all. Celebrate Malaysia Day on a big scale on 16th Sept.
Instead give the holiday slot to the Deepavali festival since our state government keeps telling our local Indians that we have too many holidays here that there isn't room for one more.
Sarawak Malaysian.
Thank You, Vernon, for highlighting the arrogance of Najib.
I remember Tunku's words in 1962{I am Najib's contemporary} to some British Officials: We need Sarawak & Sabah to be with us, we will extend protection under the Agreement, which we will draw up with them".
So it was not that we "welcomed" you guys, it is that you guys agreed to join us, on your terms!
That is why, East Malaysia is so unique - you are your own masters!
Take Care!
Thank you, Vernon, for a most illuminating article. I am glad Sarawak has you and other young sons and daughters of the land who are rising up. My prayers are with your land and your people. Sarawak is in grave danger. The plunder has reached a stage where your people are being chased out of lands which they above all else have a right to. I like to say, first the trees (through logging), then the forests (plantations), now the rivers (dams). Sarawak's indigenous life is at the brink of annihilation. It is up to those who are educated and aware to now reach out and hold the hands of those kept ignorant and weak. God strengthen, guide and bless all of you. To Sarawak!
Tq for Vernon; enough being cheated for almost 50 years!!!! We need a brand new history book for school.
Can I suggest that this blog be translated into BM, Chinese, inane, Bidayuh, Kayan, melanau, lun bawang, kadazan, least all majority races in sarawak& that can print and bring back to kampung and paste it on the walls!!!!
I am with Koben, I would rather honour 22nd JULY - FIRST; then 16th SEPT - SECOND; and 31st AUG - LAST!
I also agree with Vernon - it is sad and disheartening when I finally found out about this... Goshhh... I have been fooled.. :'(
Sekarang buka hati dan minda orang Sarawak. Buka hati, angkat tangan dan tolong TULIS sejarah Sarawak yang banyak kita dengari secara lisan sahaja. Saya juga ingin katakan Sarawak BUKAN negeri dalam Malaysia! Jangan pertikaikan hak-hak dalam perjanjian sebelum Sarawak menyertai Malaysia.Memang leceh betul org yang pertikaikan benda spt itu kerana mereka tak memahami erti sejarah, bercakap hanya ikut lepas dan nafsu. Jangan pertikaian jika kita sayangkan gabungan Malaya, Sarawak dan Sabah.
What if joining Malaysia is a mistake done by SabahSarawak back then, even if SabahSarawak didn't joint Malaysia federation, there will be indepence given by the British. Why, because all British colony have to be released due to agreement done in Europe. SabahSarawak can be more develop than the so call Malaya. But we have to bare the consequences done before and we are now just waiting to bare for the future, because we know what the future is if SabahSarawak don't become an independent country.
hey there! =) mind to read this petition and sign it... =)click the web... thanks..
Thanks so much Vernon.... this is a great info for us Sarawakians and Sabahans. Truth be told, I'm even sad when they send teachers from peninsula to teach in our rural kids. A friend of mine witnessed how cruel they can be to these kids. From slapping to rotan to ruthless punishments. Discipline is 1 thing but punishing your student because they are late by asking them to crawl on dirt??? these kids are poor and only have a pair of school uniform. some even koyak still have to wear. Maybe not all peninsula teachers are bad but majority are doing these things to the kids. And we are complaining our rural kids don't get enough education.
31st August 1957
22nd July 1963
15th September 1963
All also independence day. Bolehland!
Facts are right here. For your information, both Sarawak and Sabah were countries before they combined to form Malaysia. They had separate independence dates. Hence it is true that Merdeka (Independence) is not Aug 31 for all. However, Sept 16 is MALAYSIA DAY. The nation of Malaysia was formed 16 Sept 1963 which means that Malaysia is only coming to 50 years old. Not 55.
Despite all the negative/positive comments, this is still an eye opening article to those who were not aware of such an important part in the history.
Who cares about dates? How about having control over your family members like Bronwyn Ward who goes around like a lunatic attacking and accusing people on FB and all over the place. That would be a good place to start!
For the first time in 50 years, anak anak bumi kenyalang will celebrate Sarawak Independence Day in Kuching and KL… pls don’t miss this historical event ! pls spread the news, thank you
see fb event page:
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