Friday, April 26, 2013

Najib: Why reduce petrol price when BR1M better?

Have you read and heard the most ridiculous and economically inept statement ever from a caretaker Prime Minister?

Read it here:

BN chief Najib Razak said reducing petrol prices was not as beneficial to the poor as his BR1M cash handouts.

“If we reduce the price of petrol, who benefits? The rich would benefit. The rich who have big cars are the ones who benefit.

“But when we give BR1M, who benefits? The rakyat benefit,” he said to cheers from the audience.

If Najib seriously believes what he is saying, that only goes to show that he has absolutely NO IDEA about economics and finance. Which then explains why the country's debt has risen to RM502 billion under Najib's watch!

Any economist worth his or her salt will tell you that the moment you reduce petrol price, it creates a domino effect where production costs also immediate fall. Why? Almost all production requires energy generated by petrol. Unless Najib is going to supply all factories with renewable energy like solar energy or wind energy!!! Transportation cost of sending goods to the interior will also fall, thus making Coca Cola affordable to residents of Sungai Assap in the Belaga, who are currently paying around RM5 for a can. Yes, that is the reality that Najib has conveniently forgotten.

Najib cannot be that stupid. So we can only come to one conclusion: Najib is lying through his teeth!

Do you want to vote for a government that will be lead by a liar?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He will be done & over with this GE13!